Friday, January 23, 2015

John 13:16-20 You are blessed if you do these things

John 13:16-20 Jesus went on to further explain service and fellowship in the kingdom of God. Being a humble servant does not elevate us above anyone we serve, but it does place us in the role and position to which we are called. That role, the same as that to which Adam was called, is to represent God to the world. And when we are acting in that role, whoever receives us receives Jesus and the Father by way of our ministry.

          Is the interposition of the mention of Judas' treachery in the middle of the paragraph germane to this thought or a distraction from it? Perhaps this is meant as a caution. When we are commissioned by God to go to the world with His message and mission, the call comes with great accompanying power. But it is not a blank check. We cannot go to the world in His name but with our own agenda or our own plans. We really do not know what motivated Judas, but that is really irrelevant. Even if we eat His bread (i.e., partake of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper), if we choose our own agenda, then we have not chosen Him, and He has not chosen us. It may look good on the outside, and we may fool people into thinking we speak for God, but He knows who is His.

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