Sunday, March 15, 2015

Revelation 1:4-8 Greetings! To God be glory & power forever

Revelation 1:4-5 John specifically addresses this unveiling to the seven churches in Asia (named below in Rev. 1:11). Perhaps the later prophecies are primarily intended for these people, and have application to us in the same way that the epistles of Paul have broader application than the specific circumstances of the addressee. In all cases, we have to discern the relative applicability of the words to the specific circumstances or to all of us.
          John next proceeds with an homage to the Trinity: The eternal Father who is outside of time; the Son who is the first-fruit of those rising from the dead and also ruler over all earthly kings (see also Revelation 19:16); and the Holy Spirit represented by the seven spirits before the throne (see also Revelation 3:1 and Zechariah 4:2).

Revelation 1:6-7 John elaborates on worship of Jesus. He is worthy of glory and dominion (archon) because He loved us and washed us in His blood from the power and penalty of sin, and then made us a kingdom of priests to the eternal Father. (See also Revelation 5:9-10) During His earthly ministry Jesus talked frequently about the arrival of the kingdom of God on earth, but it is only in retrospect after His death and resurrection, and the culmination of the plan of redemption that  Jesus' purpose and plan was to implement the kingdom of God became clear.
          Jesus' return will be seen by every eye. Usually this is understood to mean a visible appearance in the sky. But an alternative view might be that the clouds Jesus returns with are clouds of believers, in whom He dwells, and every eye will see Him manifest in the lives of His people. And so every language-group and ethnic group will mourn because when they see the kingdom of Jesus manifest in the lives of His people in their own tribe, they will mourn over the fruitlessness and barrenness of their own lives and culture and kingdom, lived apart from Jesus. This includes the Jews, who rejected Jesus as their Messiah and crucified him, when they see the kingdom fruit manifest in those Jews who did receive Him.
          And so this final outcome is fore-ordained and He will come and He will reign. So be it.

Revelation 1:8 YHWH is the first and the last. He created everything that exists because He was before the universe existed. He will at the last rule His creation. He is now currently engaged in His great campaign to defeat evil and sin and establish His eternal kingdom. He was, is, and always will be sovereign.

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