Thursday, March 12, 2015

2 John 1-13 Walk with Christ and beware of teachers of deceit

2 John 1-3 It is ambiguous whether John has addressed this letter to a specific woman and her children, or if he is metaphorically addressing the church. In and upon this assembly of believers, all who know the truth, he bestows a blessing of grace, mercy, and peace. Perhaps he is saying because of the truth that abides in us as knowers of Christ, grace, mercy and peace will be on us for the ages.

2 John 4-6 John is pleased to find that some of the children who believe are walking in truth. Inferentially, this means that their lifestyle is that of walking out their life in fellowship with Jesus who is truth (John 4:6). He asks them to walk according to the commandment of love. (John 13:34-35, 15:12, 15:17), and explicitly states that love is practiced when we walk according to Jesus' commandments. (Matthew 22:37-39)

2 John 7-11 In the same vein as 1 John 2:18-22 & 4:3, John warns about deceivers coming in the spirit of antichrist. It appears that he is warning about false teachers who claim to have teachings beyond what Jesus taught. This is a false spirituality that claims a greater knowledge of spiritual truth than mere Christianity. One litmus test is whether they acknowledge Jesus as having come in the flesh. Anyone who denies that is not a Christian, no matter what else they may say. Because the whole gospel, the good news, is that Jesus was God in the flesh, and that He came to bring the kingdom of God on earth, and that to complete this purpose, He died on the cross for the atonement and propitiation of the sins of every person who will receive Him. Without the incarnation, there is no atonement.
          John commands a rather harsh excommunication for these false teachers. But He does it in order to protect the flock. Don't let him in the house. Don't give him a greeting. In other words, don't argue with him or try to reason with him. Satan is extremely subtle and clever. He can twist God's words as he did in the Garden of Eden and with Jesus in the wilderness. To give him a greeting is implicitly to welcome him and his false teachings into the fellowship. Don't go there!

2 John 12-13 John closes with a hope of seeing them face-to-face. Perhaps the chosen sister refers to a specific person, or perhaps to another church body metaphorically, as in the salutation.

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