Wednesday, March 4, 2015

1 John 2:1-11 A Love-Hate relationship?

1 John 2:1-2 John now introduces the next topic, that he wants to empower his readers to not sin. But he reminds them that if they do, there is a rock-solid remedy for it. This remedy is available to anyone in the world, but it goes without repeating (John 3:19-21) that they have to avail themselves of this remedy for it to be efficacious. The next few passages cover the following aspects of this walk in the light and its antithesis:
    Keeping the commandments of Christ
    Experiencing brotherly love
    Overcoming the evil one
    Loving God and not the world
    Recognizing the lies of the spirit of the antichrist
    The anointing of Christ that leads, teaches, and empowers us.

1 John 2:3-8 Keeping the commandments of Christ is evidence of our relationship with Him. This should not be taken as justification for Phariseeism, or any other form of judgmentalism or legalism. Instead it is evidence of an inward transformation and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which alone make it possible for a person to do the twenty or so impossible commands that Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount, like loving your enemies. This perfecting of the love of God is a river of living water flowing out of our innermost being, (John 7:38) and thus evidence that we know Jesus. There are of course other commandments of Christ, but on only two of them, all of the others depend. (Matthew 22:37-40)

1 John 2:9-11 The previous passage dealt with sure evidence that a person knows and is in Christ. This passage deals with sure evidence that a person does not know Christ. The person who hates his brother is in darkness. Despite any other attestations of faith, doctrine, or apparent holiness, failure to love a fellow believer is incontrovertible evidence of not walking in the light, with Christ. There may be many other levels of possible or questionable faith walks, such as being indifferent to one's fellow believers, or being self-centered, but actual hate for a fellow believer is prima facie evidence of walking in darkness.

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