Friday, March 6, 2015

1 John 2:18-29 The antichrist vs. the annointing

1 John 2:18-24 John turns to the problem of false doctrine, which he identifies as lies that come from the spirit of antichrist. It is common to associate the antichrist with the lawless one identified in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 & 8, the little horn of Daniel 8:9-11, and the beast of Revelation 13. However, the term antichrist (Greek antichristos) is used only in this chapter of John, and he refers to it as a spirit. Since christos refers to the anointed one, the term antichrist might suggest one who is not anointed or perhaps is against the anointing (presumably of the Holy Spirit). But since it is a spirit, this could be interpreted in at least two ways. One is that it is the zeitgeist, the spirit of the age. However, in the context in which John is writing, it is more likely referring to an alternate spirit, one sent by the evil one, that animates and empowers little antichrists that purport to have been sent from the apostles, but deny that Jesus is the Christ, and deny the Father as well. In effect, they are either functional atheists or else false teachers, promoting an alternate spirituality devoid of the basic tenets of Christianity. John tells his readers that his children, his little boys and girls (paidia) who believe in Jesus, have an anointing from the Holy One, which is the Holy Spirit. Through this anointing they know the truth and can recognize lies for what they are. Any theology or spiritual framework that is not built on the foundational truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, is a lie.

1 John 2:25-29 The Holy Spirit, the anointing from God, not only enables believers to recognize the lies of the spirit of antichrist, He also teaches them all things. Beyond that, everyone who practices righteousness is born of God. (John 3:3-8) The element that links the anointing and the practice of righteousness is abiding in Him. This re-emphasizes the need to prioritize the desire for the Father's presence so much that it trumps all other desires, so much so that we make the time to abide in Him.

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