Tuesday, March 3, 2015

1 John 1:1-10 Walking in the Light

1 John 1:1-4 Many of the themes in the gospel of John are reflected in this epistle. John's gospel closed with his statement that it was an eyewitness account, which he opens his letter with. He then draws in the themes from John 17, in which Jesus prayed that His followers would be one with each other, and with Him and the Father, and that they would have joy in these relationships.

1 John 1:5-10 John immediately gets to the issue of sin. In this passage he makes a distinction between acts of sin, and walking in darkness. God is light without darkness. (John 14:30) It is not a law, but simply a logical impossibility to walk with Him and be in darkness. The problem of individual acts of sin is dealt with through the cleansing by the blood of Christ. If we deny that we sin then we are still walking in darkness, and it is logically impossible for His blood to cleanse of sins we have not taken to Him. An additional attribute of this is fellowship with other believers. The brotherly love of believers is recognized by the world (John 13:35), but the people of the world cannot enter into it until they accept and practice walking in the light according to this pattern. As Jesus told Nicodemus, this is because they love the things in the darkness too much to give them up and come to the light. (John 3:19-20)

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