Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Revelation 7:13-17 Who are the ones clothed in white before the Throne?

The origin of this vast multitude is now explained. These are the believers mentioned previously (Rev. 6:9-11) who have been killed for their faith in Christ, in the great tribulation, and have been given white robes. Their life is explained: a special provision by the Lamb for them to be with Him and to be ministered to by Him. Some extraordinary promises:
    They serve Him day and night in His temple.
    He spreads His tabernacle over them.
    They do not hunger or thirst.
    They do not feel the heat of the sun.
    The lamb will guide them to the springs of living water.
    God will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Evidently this special group will receive these blessings separate from those of believers who die before the great tribulation. Perhaps the emphasis on the number of them communicates just how bloodthirsty the evil is, in that it attempts to exterminate every single believer in Jesus on the face of the earth. Estimates in 2010 suggest that such a multitude would number over 2 billion. However, one possible suggestion is that the catching away of the church (1 Thess. 4:16-17) precedes the great tribulation as the lawless one will not be revealed until the one who restrains is taken out of the way. (2 Thessalonians 2:7-9) It is possible that this catching away would remove the two billion plus Christians from the world (roughly a third of the earth's population), so that this special assembly of the multitude clothed in white is those who come to faith after this catching-away, and face the wrath of the man of sin. Even in our day, mass execution of Christians is being practiced in small areas that fall under the control of certain terrorist extremists. This reveals the heart of the devil in those who allow him full sway in their lives. The emphasis of this passage is that this multitude has experienced severe hardship and therefore receives a special measure of the compassion and tender care of Jesus. 

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