16:1-21 describes the seven plagues. Once again, these evoke foreshadowings
from the Mosaic plagues.
Rev. Reference
Mosaic allusion
Exodus 9:10
Seas become
blood; every sea creature dies
Ex 7:19-21
Rivers and
springs become blood
Ex 7:19-21
Sun scorches
men with fire
Ex 10:22-23
spirits like frogs gather nations for war
Ex 8:6-7
islands and mountains destroyed, 100 pound hailstones
Ex 9:23-25
The mark of the
wildbeast turns into a sore. Loathsome and malignant are literally evil and
wicked. kakon is badness to the level of evil or malignant. poneron is
wicked and diseased. Malignancy may imply cancer, or perhaps an implanted
microchip becomes an open, ulcerated lesion leaking pus continually. Although a
third of the sea creatures died earlier (Rev. 8:9), the remainder are now dead.
The blood of a dead man implies death. Perhaps there is a further implication
relating to a culture of death, manifested in the consequences of pollution
being magnified to a Biblical scale. God is so angry at man for corrupting and
polluting His wonderful creation (Genesis 1:9-10) that He completely destroys
the oceans' ecosystem. There is nothing left for man to exploit or corrupt.
Giving the people blood to drink seems odd
because life is in the blood. In fact Jesus told the disciples that those who
drink His blood have eternal life. (John 6:54) So the blood that the people
deserve to drink is the blood of judgment, which brings death, not life.
Physically, we usually find the thought of drinking blood repulsive, as is
eating raw meat. That the springs emit blood says that the earth has lost the
power to filter water. This is just payback to the people who shed the saints'
blood, poetic justice. The altar itself speaks to God's righteousness in this
judgment, agreeing with the angel of the waters.
sun scorches men with fire. It is probably the result of an increase in the
solar output that increases the heat flux to the earth. This cannot be the
result of pollution, unless the suggestion is that global warming causes men to
be scorched with fierce heat. But it is not within the power of mankind to
affect the sun. Perhaps it can be seen as poetic justice inflicted by God,
because anthropogenic global warming indicates mankind likes it hot.
of the kingdom of the beast is symbolic of men loving the darkness rather than
the light. (John 3:19) This darkness is accompanied by intense pain. Men do not
repent, but instead blaspheme God. Real darkness hides the deeds of those who
want to do things they do not want others to see. They do not repent, seeing
this as an opportunity to pursue their own
desires regardless of the cost.
does drying up the Euphrates have to do with demons performing signs? Picturing
deceiving spirits as frogs is perhaps for our (the believing reader's) benefit,
to perceive their nature. God is
preparing the way for the battle of Armageddon. We know the location, and one
of the participants in this battle, the kings of the east. But the whole world
will be involved in this battle. Rather than gain and exercise worldly power,
at this point it appears that the wildbeast and the false prophet incite this
battle solely for the purpose of destroying humankind. That is the devil's
objective. (Matthew 24:22)
is a parenthetical statement by Christ that He is coming like a thief. In other
words, when people do not expect Him. (Matthew 24:42-44, 1Thess. 5:2-4, 2 Peter 3:10)
The warning carries a blessing for those who heed Him. This implies that there
are still believers on the earth despite the best efforts of the wildbeast to
eradicate them. Although, this warning applies to all people at all times.
Keeping one's clothes is a metaphor for a heavenly dwelling, presumably of
spiritual rightness, born of the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 5:1-5) Shame would be the
result of sin that is not repented of, not covered by the blood of Christ, and
therefore like one's genitals being naked and visible to all. Jesus' advice to
us is to remain clothed with the righteousness of Christ, not just through
faith in the atoning blood of Christ, but also through the power of God to live
above sin. (Romans 8:1-4)
final cataclysm, poured out by the seventh angel, could picture the results of
nuclear war, except that this is not man's doing. This judgment comes from God.
The thunder and lightning and earthquake remind us of Mount Sinai (Exodus
19:16-18). But this appears to be a worldwide earthquake, as perhaps if all of
the major fault lines of the earth release their pent-up energy at once. The
great city is split into three parts. This city is identified as Babylon
implicitly as the target of God's wrath. Although it is speculative, many have
opined on whether this is a restored city at the historical site of Babylon in
Iraq, about 85 km south of Baghdad, or symbolically represents some other city
such as Rome, New York, Los Angeles, or Jerusalem. What is emphasized in the
entire book of Revelation (especially chapter 17) is that this city, regardless
of location, epitomizes the human approach to life, in defiance of God. More to come on this topic. The significance
of being divided into three parts is obscure; perhaps it will become clear at
the time it happens.
the weight of a talent would probably be about 30.3 kg (Babylonian definition
seems appropriate here, otherwise there is a wide range of definitions of a
talent). At an average density of 0.917 g/cm^3, this would give a diameter of
approximately 40 cm or about 16 inches. We didn't get a weight estimate of the
hail that fell on Egypt during the plagues, but it killed every man and beast
in the field, and destroyed all the plants and trees. (Exodus 9:18-26) At least Pharaoh had the
sense to repent, if only temporarily (Exodus 9:27), but in Revelation mankind's
response is to blaspheme God.
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