Monday, April 27, 2015

Revelation 21:5-8 Three things I wanted to tell you

Revelation 21:5-8 The Lord says three things to John:
    I am making all things new.
    These words are faithful and true.
    It is done.
Note that in John 19:30, Jesus said "It is finished" (tetelestai) on the cross, while in Rev. 21:6, He says "It is done" which might also be understood as "it has come into being" (gegonen). In between these two statements - the completion of the plan of redemption, and the beginning of the eternal new kingdom, lies the church age in which we live. Yet entropy flows in only one direction, at least in the present natural creation. It is a testimony to the supernatural workings of God that when He is building His kingdom, entropy decreases! The sick are healed and people become better, not worse. Death and decay will not be part of the ultimate eternal kingdom that Jesus says in this verse has begun - meaning that entropy will not be governed by the second law of thermodynamics in His new earth.
          Jesus then speaks directly to the reader of this unveiling, through John who recorded His words. He gives an invitation with incredible promises that speak for themselves, one of which points back to John 7:38. And He gives a warning to eight classes of sinners regarding their destination. This is fire and brimstone preaching, and it comes straight from the top.

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