Thursday, April 30, 2015

Recap of Revelation

And so, dear reader of the unveiling of Christ, you have seen what the future of mankind, and what your future, holds. Jesus! Not just a little child lying in a manger, nor just a good teacher, nor even the savior dying on a cross for the sins of mankind. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What has been unveiled?

Firstly, the attributes of Christ, detailed in Rev. 1:13-18, 2:1,8,12, 18, 3:1,7,14, and 19:11-16.
      His appearance being gleaming white, recapping the transfiguration on the mount (Mark 9:3)
      Eyes like fire and feet like glowing, heated bronze, His face shining like the sun, expressing the intensity of His holiness
      A voice of many waters, speaking to the nations in their own tongues (Acts 2:5-11). You can understand this much better if you have experienced Pentecostal or charismatic worship services
      Holding in His hand the seven stars, messengers to the churches
      The sword of His word is spoken from His mouth (Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12), and one of His names is the Word of God (John1:1)
      His word becomes a rod of iron which rules nations that will not choose to be disciples
      The alpha and omega, the beginning (John 1:1, Col. 1:15) and the end (Rev. 22:13)
      Through His death and resurrection, His eternal life places the keys of death in His hands
      He rides a white horse, the true Hero who faithfully and truly wars and judges in righteousness
      He wears many crowns with names and attributes that are beyond our comprehension
      He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Secondly, the commendations, critiques, and admonitions that Jesus has for His churches (us!) recorded in Rev. 2-3. Jesus speaks to the reader, speaking from eternity to those of us on earth
    Rev. 2-3, a detailed look at the strengths and shortcomings of the churches
    Commendation for perseverance in the face of persecution. This is only theoretical for those of us in the West. Would we have the grace and dedication to persevere in the face of the intense persecution the early church endured? Will we, if we enter the great tribulation described by John?
    Commendation for walking in a manner worthy of the Lord. We are saved by faith thru grace, not by works. But to what extent will Jesus see our conforming to His example as evidence that we have allowed the Holy Spirit to affect our life and actions? (1 Corinthians 3:10-15)
    Criticism and judgment for allowing and tolerating false teachings and false teachers in the church. Isn't that contrary to not passing judgment on others? But how can we stand before the Lord and make excuses for allowing His children to be led astray when the falseness of the teachings are incontrovertible?
    Admonitions to hold fast to the truth and to right actions, even in the coming tests. Everyone has trials of some type; Jesus calls us to keep our faith even in the most severe test, and beyond that to keep right practice when it is a struggle just to hold onto our faith.
    Disappointment over loss of the fervency of love and resulting lukewarmness. The true challenge of prosperity, going back to the Israelites after they first settled in the promised land, is harder than rejecting the lure of materialism. It is truly a challenge to remain emotionally intense in our devotion to the Lord who saved us, for the long haul. This makes Jesus nauseous.
    Promise of rewards to those who persevere. The staggering nature of these promises is that they dwarf anything that person might grasp on their own. Those who receive the wildbeast's mark will endure eternally the stench of their own sin, while those who choose Christ will sit on eternal thrones.
    He is coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who keeps his garments (Rev 16:15, Luke 12:39-40, Rev. 22:10-15). How can the unexpectedness of His return be a consideration in every action and decision of our daily life? What if His return is in the form of sudden personal calamity?
    The making of all things new has already begun. Jesus promises living water to the one who (over)comes. (Rev. 21:5-8, John 7:38) How can we experience this living water continually?

Thirdly, what true worship of Jesus looks like when all pretense and all inhibitions have been removed. John described his vision of this worship in which the reasons for worship of Jesus are incorporated explicitly, and speak primarily of His wonderful actions as manifesting and growing out of His divine love and perfect holiness. The unveiled Jesus makes the attributes of God's glory unavoidably worthy of worship, as described in 4:8 & 11, 5:9-14, 7:10-12, 11:15-18, 14:3, 15:3-4, 16:5-7, 19:1-7. The Father and the Lamb are worshipped for
      Their worthiness because of their actions, specifically for creating all things, and for  Jesus' atoning blood that redeemed people
      God's divine intervention in human history to establish His kingdom on the earth in righteousness and the subsequent obedience of the nations, and His righteous judgment of those who do evil
Some of the heavenly worship songs have been adapted for church or contemporary worship. What will it be like when the adoration of the full scope of the nature and character of Jesus and His wonderful acts is at the center of the governance of mankind, as it is in the government of eternity?

Fourthly, the way that Jesus will work in our lives to remove the hold of:
    The world (symbolized by the wildbeast and the system he sets up);
    The world is a system of economics, business, finance, government, and authority. At its core is the belief that life can only be lived by principles based on the natural world and human wisdom. God created nature and gave mankind dominion over it. God gives wisdom freely upon request. The fundamental evil at the core of the world system is the presumption that God is not telling man the whole truth, that He is withholding something wonderful from mankind, and that mankind can do better on its own using human wisdom. We know when and where this evil lie originated. (Genesis 3:1-5) This same presumption daily tries to persuade us to do things our own way. Sadly, it has a larger hold on us than we usually recognize.
    The flesh (symbolized by the great harlot);
    God created the human body with all of its natural needs and desires. It was very good. The human tendency, apart from a close relationship with God, is to seek to gratify these needs and desires continually in ever-greater measure. The world has embraced this approach to life. It is always in our face, in television, the Internet and movies, in advertising, and in social norms. This culture wars against our soul-life. (1 Peter 2:11)
    The devil (played by himself, but cloaking his actions in the world and the flesh).
    The world system and the flesh tell us they offer life. Behind them the devil has everything lined up to destroy us. (1 Peter 5:8)
To free us Jesus is going to trash everything in our lives that is out of place (i.e., sin) so that they no longer have any influence on us. We will see their ultimate futility. (Ecclesiastes 1:2 & 12:13-14) This is described in Rev. 6-20, with occasional intermissions for worship services. This struggle to the death will be incredibly painful. Jesus shed His blood to win it. To encourage us through these struggles, God gives us interludes of blessed joy and rejoicing in His presence.
    This conflict ends with judgment of all that is right and destruction of all that is wrong.
    We will all one day stand before God to give account. May we have acts of love and devotion to Him that on that day He will judge worthy of eternal treasure. (Matthew 6:20-21)
Fifthly, a glorious future in which we will be united eternally with Jesus in a love covenant, which also involves sharing the responsibility and authority to rule over creation. (Rev. 21-22, Ge. 1:28)
    The church is portrayed as a bride, the bride of Christ, adorned for her husband, consummating a continuing Biblical metaphor (the Song of Songs; Isaiah 50:1; Hosea 2:19-20; Matthew 22:2-14, 25:1-13; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-32)
    God will dwell among His people and care for them intimately
    The curse of Genesis will be removed and God's people will have access to the tree of life
    The river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God will be the main venue of the city of God.

            The unveiling of Christ closes with the reminder that these things will come to pass quickly, as God's grace will not allow us to proceed without His intervention to set things right. How will you respond to these things?

Revelation 22:6-21 Jesus' last words to us

Revelation 22:6-7 Jesus promises a blessing for those who pay attention to what He has shown John. He is coming quickly because His grace will not allow the world, the flesh, and the devil to deceive or control His people individually. During the entire church age, apart from the end-time plan to bring in the new Jerusalem, He works in lives every minute of every day.

Revelation 22:8-11 John's response was to worship the messenger who revealed these things, but the angels know full well to refuse such and point all worship to God alone. (Acts 14:13-18) There is an odd statement by this angel to the effect that those who sin should continue in them, rather than repenting. This seems enigmatic. It would seem counter to the good news, which calls on all men everywhere to repent and turn to Christ. (Acts 17:30). Most likely this is a statement of free will. God will not compel anyone in our day and age, He only invites. But in eternity there will be justice for all who do not respond to God's invitation to receive His grace.

Revelation 22:12-16 Jesus promises reward for the deeds of men, but does not mention punishment. The blessing of having one's robes washed in the blood of Jesus (Rev. 7:14) is the right to access the tree of life, inside the city. Jesus repeats that it is His messenger that He sent to tell all these things to John, but now He speaks directly as He did in chapter 1. Pay close attention to His closing words. His eternal role as the author and final consummator of creation and life. His earthly credentials through the line of David as the rightful king of the Jews.

Revelation 22:17 The invitation might be taken as a simple expression of welcome. However, a much more likely interpretation is that the Holy Spirit and the church are the two means through which God works in our lives today. They provide guidance and mentoring in how to grow in the ways of God. And this invitation is that anyone who desires Christ, who desires to live a life in fellowship with Him and free from the power of sin, should come to the church and the Holy Spirit. Come and enter into relationships that will bring growth in righteousness and faith. Learn from those who know Jesus best how to discern His voice and walk in Him. He will satisfy your thirsting soul and has made provision, if you will receive it.

Revelation 22:18-20 This warning could be taken as pertaining to changing or disregarding this record, or as a warning about interpretations of it. We can take this at face value and simply say that everything about Jesus that was unveiled must be taken seriously. Even if we do not understand it. Having His words, just in case we might be tempted to procrastinate responding, Jesus once more reminds us that He is coming quickly.

Revelation 22:21 John pleas for grace. We should also. So be it!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Revelation 22:1-5 The river & tree of Life

The river flowing from the throne was previously described in Ezekiel 47:1-12. The tree of life, from which mankind was barred (Genesis 3:22-24) has now reappeared, growing beside the river of the water of life, which Jesus had promised would flow from the innermost being of those who believe (John 7:38) as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit. The tree bears fruit monthly. Even though there is no more moon in the new heavens, events are still chronicled by time units based on it. What does this fruit do but nourish the eternal life of God's people? The leaves also have medicinal function, healing the nations. Perhaps this deals with the physical healing of those peoples outside the gates of the holy city. Or perhaps the leaves somehow bring peace and security to the governments of these nations, so that they no longer need to war or plunder others.
          The curse of Genesis 3:17-19 has been lifted. As far as believers go, the curse was broken at the cross (Galatians 3:13).  But the curse on the ground has now been lifted. Fertilizer and pesticides may no longer be needed to mitigate the consequences of the curse. Even more, the ground yields fruit of itself, of which the sabbatical year was a foreshadowing. (Lev. 25:5)
          The Lord had told Moses that no one could see His face and live. (Exodus 33:20) Things have changed! His face no longer means death, but life.  Instead of the mark of the number of the wildbeast, God's people will have His name written on their forehead for all to see. Not that it is needed to buy and sell, but as a badge of honor. Symbolically, the wildbeast wanted his world-system to own and control the thoughts of everyone on earth. In the new earth, God's people voluntarily submit their thoughts and their thought-life to Him. And the repetition of the light coming from the Lord reminds us of His continuous omnipresence in the new earth with His people.

          It is probably idle speculation that the reason for the banishment of those who reject the lordship of Jesus to the lake of fire or the outer darkness is that being in His presence would be pure torture for such people. Everyone says they want to go to heaven, but most do not understand what this means. There is a vague belief that it is a place of perpetual pleasure and happiness. And that is accurate for those who enjoy the Lord's presence and want to do His will. But those who reject these things perhaps have the mistaken belief that they will be able to do what they want, on their own, irregardless of its consequences for others or impact on God's creation. That is not heaven, but closer to the hell that the devil seeks to turn the earth into. Being in God's presence and doing His will would be torture for these people, so in mercy God sends them to a place where they will be far from Him, and their misbeliefs will be exposed and burned away. That is apparently as much mercy as they will receive. They are mentioned briefly in 22:15, but are otherwise ignored in the new earth. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Revelation 21:9-27 The New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:9-14 The description of the holy bride of Christ conveys the importance of mankind's history. The glory of God appears to John as the brilliance of clear cut jasper. Jasper is a form of chalcedony that may take on several tints. It cuts cleanly. It was one or possibly two of the stones in Aaron's breastplate. But more straightforwardly, the messengers at the gates have written on them the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. These are the messengers who invite people into the holy city, which is otherwise impregnable behind very high walls. The twelve apostles are the foundation stones of the wall. This seems odd. The apostles were the sent ones, to carry the gospel to the world and invite people into the kingdom of God. What does this configuration tell us? Most easily interpreted is that it was the preaching of the gospel by the apostles that established the foundation of the church as the bride of Christ initially; it was not the law. Perhaps the messengers at the gates refers to the 144,000 from the twelve tribes who witnessed to Jesus during the great tribulation, who were from the twelve named tribes of Israel. (Rev. 7:4-8) They were the final apostles - sent ones.

Revelation 21:15-21 The measurement of the city seems reminiscent of Ezekiel's vision, in which the temple was measured (Ezekiel 40-43), and then the land was portioned out although not measured (Ezekiel 45:1-6, 48:1-29), and finally the dimensions of the city were given (Ezekiel 48:30-35). This city is somewhat different. In John's vision, there is no physical temple. (Rev. 21:22) The length of the walls is 12,000 stadia, or approximately 2,200 km. The city that Ezekiel saw was 4,500 cubits (long cubits which were a cubit plus a hand breadth), or approximately 2.3 km. John saw a city that was approximately 1,000 times as large in each of its horizontal wall dimensions. The wall in John's vision is 144 angelic cubits high. We lack any real information on how long an angelic cubit is. If it were 20.2 inches, then the wall would be approximately 74 m high. No height was mentioned for the city wall that Ezekiel saw.
          The wall was jasper but the city itself was pure gold like glass.  Physically this does not seem to make sense, since gold is opaque. Perhaps the meaning is in the repetition of the Greek word katharo (or katheron), emphasizing the cleanness of the gold, like the cleanness of glass. If gold represents the divinity of God, this suggests that the city, i.e., the church, the bride of Christ, is imbued with the Holy Spirit through and through.
          The foundation stones of the city walls are adorned with precious stones, much like Aaron's breastplate. (Exodus 28:17-20). The gates themselves are each a single pearl, suggesting that entrance into the city is through the pearl of great price. (Matthew 13:45-46) Finally, the broad places (plateia) of the city are clear gold like glass, evidently like the city itself (Rev. 21:18)

Revelation 21:22-27 The Temple has always symbolized the presence of God with His people. When the people have the reality they no longer need the symbol. Physical light was originally channelled through the sun and moon (Genesis 1:14-18), but in the new heavens and new earth, light is God's glory and comes directly from the Lamb. There is no night because God's glory continues without ceasing. How are we to understand this? Does Jesus glow like a light bulb? (Matthew 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29) Is it pure metaphor? Or perhaps existence in the new earth is of such a different essential nature that we cannot understand what this means?

          The next reference seems odd. It implies that even in this new earth, there are nations and kings outside the city. There evidently continue to exist unclean things and people who practice lying and other abominations outside the city, despite the fact that all whose names were not found in the book of life were earlier cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:15). Now we read that only those whose names are in the Lamb's book of life are allowed to enter the city. Does this imply the continued existence of those who were not in His book? Most likely this is a warning to the reader in our age, when it is still possible to repent and be saved, that only those who do so are allowed into the New Jerusalem, so respond now, while reading the words of the warning.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Revelation 21:5-8 Three things I wanted to tell you

Revelation 21:5-8 The Lord says three things to John:
    I am making all things new.
    These words are faithful and true.
    It is done.
Note that in John 19:30, Jesus said "It is finished" (tetelestai) on the cross, while in Rev. 21:6, He says "It is done" which might also be understood as "it has come into being" (gegonen). In between these two statements - the completion of the plan of redemption, and the beginning of the eternal new kingdom, lies the church age in which we live. Yet entropy flows in only one direction, at least in the present natural creation. It is a testimony to the supernatural workings of God that when He is building His kingdom, entropy decreases! The sick are healed and people become better, not worse. Death and decay will not be part of the ultimate eternal kingdom that Jesus says in this verse has begun - meaning that entropy will not be governed by the second law of thermodynamics in His new earth.
          Jesus then speaks directly to the reader of this unveiling, through John who recorded His words. He gives an invitation with incredible promises that speak for themselves, one of which points back to John 7:38. And He gives a warning to eight classes of sinners regarding their destination. This is fire and brimstone preaching, and it comes straight from the top.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Revelation 21:1-4 The Bride of Christ

The final two chapters focus on the glorious eternal future that begins now, but is only revealed after God has removed all sin and evil from His creation. The first earth had been corrupted by sin and trashed by mankind, and then destroyed in God's judgments. It had been very good when God created it. (Genesis 1:1 & 31) He must have restored it for the millennial kingdom, but it was still the earth we now know. This time He does not separate the seas and the dry land, unlike the first time. (Genesis 1:6-7) The passing away of the heavens is a bit puzzling because these were not trashed. Most likely this refers only to the passing away of the first heaven that was the atmosphere of the earth. But it is not impossible that the second heaven, the entire physical universe we now know, is done away with and replaced by a new space-time continuum. But even if so, it is enough like the current universe that the new earth is recognizable. Perhaps this is because it was made as a suitable habitation for man.
          The consummation of the betrothal of the church to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2) is indeed the wedding celebration of the Lamb. (Rev. 19:7) The holy city, also known as the New Jerusalem, is identified as the bride, which brings to fulfillment all of the biblical marriage symbolism. (For example: Song of Songs which is Solomon's; Isaiah 50:1; Hosea 2:19-20; Matthew 22:2-14, 25:1-13; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-32) What does this symbolism mean for us? Marriage as an institution was created in the Garden of Eden. It combines commitment, familiarity, communication, and pleasure in intimacy. God offers all of these dimensions to believers, individually and as a whole.

          The voice from the throne must speak God's sovereign will and promise. In the first creation, the tabernacle of God only dwelt among the Israelites and that for only a few hundred years. They did not appreciate what they had because they wanted to do their own thing, and God's holiness was incompatible with that. The promise of wiping away tears seems odd - why would there be sorrow in paradise? Perhaps this is mourning over the sins of the previous creation, or over those loved ones who rejected Christ.

Revelation 20:7-15 The End of the Millenium

Revelation 20:7-10 This entire scenario can only occur because God allows it to demonstrate to humanity the inherent weakness of the human way of life when it is not lived in close communion with Him.  The comparison to the sand on the seashore suggests that an enormous number of people are deceived, perhaps because they have lived in a thousand years of peace, free of temptation, and do not understand that it is only the spiritual framework of the sovereign reign of Jesus that was the basis of these conditions. They think they can get a better deal. Why was the devil let out of prison? What possible hope is there that he would have been reformed in jail? This time he gets capital punishment, or at least an eternity of unending torture.

Revelation 20:11-15 The presence of God at the end of the millennium, with His authority emphasized by the symbolism of the great white throne, ought to instill in us a healthy fear of authority. The flight of heaven and earth indicates that these creations of God fear Him.
          The book of life has been mentioned previously in Scripture. (Psalm 69:28; Philippians 4:3; Rev. 3:5, 13:8, 17:8) The criterion for being recorded in this book seems to be taken for granted. Everyone is judged for their deeds, except those who were raised in the first resurrection. But this passage does not say that the outcome of the great white throne judgment depends on the deeds. Those whose names are not in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire, joining the devil, the wildbeast, and the false prophet. Those whose names are in the book of life are judged for their deeds as well as by whatever else is written in the books, but this does not send them to the lake of fire.  Perhaps these deeds include the righteous works of the saints mentioned in Rev. 14:13, and the purpose of the judgment is to establish and validate the rightness of their actions. Things done under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to God are recognized by the court.
          There is another perspective on this tableau, seen by Daniel in a vision and recorded in Daniel 7:9-14. Daniel 7:12 records that the books were opened. Daniel 7:14 reports that when the Son of Man is presented before the Ancient of Days, He is given an everlasting dominion and a kingdom which will never be destroyed. That is the scene we now view in the context of the unveiling of Jesus Christ.
          The casting of death and hades into the lake of fire indicates their total destruction. Death and Hades, it turns out, was a place of detention until trial. If there is a distinction between death and Hades, it seems to be only one of cultural history, Hades being the Greek name for the place of the dead. The point is that in eternity, there is no annihilation and no rest. The alternatives to be decided between at trial are being in the presence of God, or being in the lake of fire. When we bury people now, they are only resting until that trial, unless they are believers in Christ, in which case, being absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord, now, not awaiting the final trial. (2 Corinthians 5:8)
          What is the lake of fire? As noted before, it is characterized by volcanic brimstone odors, sulfur dioxide in the natural world. Perhaps this symbolizes that the sinful deeds that are a stench to God are also nauseating to those in this place; those confined there now see the reality of their evil actions and are unable to receive forgiveness and cleansing from them. Instead, they burn in remorse or regret like an unending fire, which does not consume them. It is interesting that in three separate instances Matthew records that Jesus talked about unbelievers being cast into the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8:12, 22:13, 25:30) Perhaps it is a dark fire that burns. In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man is described as being in a place of torment begging for a sip of water. (Luke 16:19-31) In that parable Jesus did not say anything about waiting for the final judgment for the rich man to be in torment, as it was contemporaneous with life of the rich man's brothers who still had the opportunity to repent. At the final judgment, it will be too late to repent.
          Judgment and sentencing of the rebellious angels is not discussed in this passage. Perhaps that is because it is not a warning to us, and it is too late for them to repent. There is no hint that they are allowed to continue to corrupt God's creation or otherwise act freely.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Revelation 20:4-6 The Millenial Reign of Christ

Those who had victoriously refused to worship the wildbeast or his image or have his mark carved on their forehead or hand are resurrected in bodily form. They are given thrones symbolizing the authority with which they will co-reign with Christ for the Millennium. It may also be that the martyrs throughout the ages are included in this first resurrection. They will face no further judgment because their lives - faith and deeds - have already been judged and approved. 
          Revelation 20 appears to be the only explicit biblical mention of the thousand year reign of Christ before the final judgment. Other passages describe life in God's kingdom, but they are ambiguous as to whether these descriptions are during the 1,000 years or after the final judgment. A key question is who actually lives on the earth other than the martyrs. All who had rebelled against God were destroyed in the final battle. The wildbeast had hunted down and exterminated (martyred) all believers, so they now return with resurrected bodies. There are a few possibilities for ordinary mortals to populate the earth during the Millenium.
    The 144,000 who were sealed (Rev. 7:4-8) and their descendants.
    Perhaps  the wildbeast was unable to find and exterminate every single believer, and some survived in the flesh.
    Perhaps some remote tribes or survivalist individuals lived apart from the world system and did not receive the mark of the wildbeast.

          Reigning as priests evokes the imagery of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18, Hebrews 7:1-17). What is the difference between priests and shepherds? Jesus carries both offices. (Hebrews 3:1ff; John 10:11 ff) The pastoral office of shepherding God's people connotes guiding, leading, caring, mentoring, advising, etc. The role of performing sacred rites during the millennium suggests that humankind still will need and practice rituals during this era. Ruling as priests implies the authority with which these rituals are practiced. Does this also connote political power? Reigning with Christ likely includes exercising secular authority, although verse 8 suggests there are other political arrangements outside the priestly class of martyrs.

Revelation 20:1-3 The devil is bound

The battle concludes with the devil himself being captured and thrown into the prison of the abyss. His human proxies have been cast into the eternal lake of fire. Why he is bound in the abyss is something of a mystery. Perhaps there is something in God's eternal plan that makes use of the existence and actions of the tempter, to demonstrate to humans the fickleness of their devotion, or to sift the hearts of individual people. In any event, mankind will have 1,000 years of relief from his predations.

          We might wish that to apply this metaphorically to our lives, there would come a point in which the devil would be bound so that we would no longer be tempted. Alas, such is not our lot in this life. Perhaps, if we have been through cataclysmic tribulation (as many believers have through the ages), the devil's nature and character are an open book and we simply recognize his fingerprints. But as long as we are in the flesh and live in the world, and until the devil really is bound, he will camouflage his temptations in the ways of the world and the flesh. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Revelation 19:17-21 The Last Battle

Revelation 19:17-19 An angel summoning birds to eat the carrion that will result from this cataclysmic battle seems almost for dramatic effect. The emphasis appears to be on the all-inclusiveness of the participants in the war against God. Everyone at all levels and in all walks of life assemble for battle. It appears that the insanity of the devil in thinking he can defeat God has been transmitted to those who live on the earth, folie a deux.

Revelation 19:20-21 We don't know how long the battle lasts; it sounds rather quick, and the outcome is certain. The wildbeast and the false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. That this is metaphorical fire seems implied because they are not consumed, but rather condemned to unending torment. The rest of the army are killed and their bodies consumed by the birds as the angel had summoned them. What is the significance of burning sulfur (here and in Genesis 19:24)? The acrid odor of sulfur dioxide evokes volcanic activity, the lake of fire being compared to a cauldron of active, hot lava. The scene near the end of the Lord of the Rings, in which the ring that rules all others is undone only by being cast into the volcanic river of fire, probably should invoke the same reaction. Most of us only know sulfur dioxide in dilute quantities from industrial smokestacks, such as power plants or paper mills. But the stench of active volcanos is hideous. Such is the stench of man's sin before God and in His presence.

Revelation 19:10-16 Jesus unveiled

Revelation 19:10 John falls down to worship the angel, but the angel tells him to worship Jesus and gives a profound insight. Prophecy is not, at its core, about future events. The spirit (pneuma) of (this and all) prophecy is the witness (marturia) of Jesus. The book of Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 1:1) What of the Old Testament prophets, or the gift of prophecy in the New Testament? It is sometimes said that there are four themes of the writing prophets in the Old Testament: warnings about the situation and actions of the immediate hearers; ultimate judgment on Israel and Judah; the coming of Messiah; and the end times and establishment of God's kingdom in power on the earth. But all of these point to Jesus. The spirit of prophetic utterance about the immediate actions of the Old Testament Jews expresses the grief of Jesus over their unnecessary pain and separation from God. The spirit of prophecy when the captivity of Israel and Judah was discussed reflects the sorrow of Jesus over the necessity that God had to take such extreme measures to eliminate gross immorality from the lives and culture of His people. And this prophecy about the end times is the unveiling of Jesus Christ. Worship Him.

Revelation 19:11-16 Jesus the conqueror is now revealed. Although He is mostly spoken of as the Lamb earlier, we now see several attributes that are a little different, He does not appear particularly lamblike now. This unveiling of Christ shows the full spectrum of His worthiness.
    He rides a white horse. (The true conqueror, not the usurper shown in Rev. 6:1-2) who conquered sin. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
    He is called faithful and true. (The witness to Laodicea, Rev. 3:14, who has the true nature corresponding to His names)
    He judges in righteousness. (In John 16:8 the Holy Spirit convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment; in Rev. 16:5&7 Jesus is worshiped for the bowls of judgment that the angels pour out on rebellious mankind, because his judgments are righteous.)
    He battles in righteousness. (Just war theories aside, before this battle recorded in Revelation, the only war in which God intervened in righteousness was recorded in Joshua, when Israel was fully submitted to God and the Canaanites were fully devoted to evil. And it wasn't really a war, but the annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah emphasized the total depravity of those cultures. Genesis 18:20)
    His eyes are a flame of fire. (Rev. 1:14, 2:18)
    He wears many diadems on His head. (Contrast Rev 12:3, 13:1 - Jesus rightfully wears these crowns).
    He has a name that only He knows written on Him. (This remains a mystery.)
    He wears a robe dipped in blood. (Rev. 7:14 the saints washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, but the blood of Jesus will be forever that which binds His people to Him in love. Hebrews 9:11-12)
    His name is called the Word of God.  (John 1:1)
    A sharp sword comes from His mouth. (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12, Rev. 1:16, 2:16)
    Another name, written on His robe and thigh, is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (At least three Old Testament pretenders to this title are mentioned in Ezra 7:12, Daniel 2:37, and Ezekiel 26:7; but the title is properly reserved for Jesus, who rules over all earthly kings, c.f. 1 Timothy 6:15, Rev. 17:14, because He not only rules over all rulers, but also is the Master over all other masters in His role as the chief shepherd. 1 Peter 4:5)

The white clothing of the armies of Christ was mentioned above in Rev. 19:8. They are also on white horses as they have conquered sin in their own lives. But they do not tread the wine press of God's wrath. Jesus is the vintner who will also rule with a rod of iron. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Revelation 18:21-19:9 Celebrate!

The celebration reiterates the deception of sorcery that was used to tempt believers and unbelievers (nations, peoples) alike, leaning on the devil's power, and the persecution of the faithful, in cahoots with the beast. The prayers of the multitude before the throne for justice over their blood (Rev. 6:9-11) have now been answered. The multitude rejoices. The twenty-four elders and the four living beings join in the worship. God Himself speaks from the throne enjoining all to join in. Then the multitude sings again, perhaps even a greater multitude, since it sounds like rushing waters and thunder, while first multitude worshiped with voice. It turns out that this worship service is the beginning of a wedding.

          The bride will wear white, but a particular kind of clean and shining cotton.  This is the legally declared just acts of the holy ones. Acts in this case seems unlikely to refer to simple abstention from sin, although that is implicit in the earlier commendation for coming out of the harlot and her wicked ways. The just actions most likely refer to deeds that were done, deeds that flow from doing justice, loving mercy, and walking in humility with the Lord. And throughout church history believers have cared for the sick, fed, clothed, and housed the poor, and stood up for the downtrodden. Charity did not begin or end with Mother Teresa, she was just the most well-known of her generation. Even the most humble and unknown caretaker serving in Jesus' name will be clothed in this same brilliant linen. There is a new beatitude, a special blessing of happiness, on those who are invited to this wedding, the same blessedness that Jesus gave in Matthew 5:3-11, and an affirmation that this blessing is from God. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Revelation 18:9-20 Alas, Babylon!

Revelation 18:9-19 The very detailed description of all that the city, Babylon, meant to all the earth's inhabitants, and the depth of their grief at her destruction, reveals that the entire earth had been corrupted. One might wonder how people of the rest of the world would respond if the United States were destroyed in a nuclear war.  For all the vilification that is laid out in the media, envy appears to lie behind the response. Babylon is described as a great and strong city that is rich through economic activity. There was a trickle-down effect in the purchase of cargo from merchants from the rest of the world. Evidently this included human trafficking.
          In this passage, the physical events seem to be more like what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. The actual city involved doesn't seem likely to be historical Babylon revived, since it is landlocked, in modern day Iraq. What we would need to zero in on is a city that is the pre-eminent commercial port of the world, with the added clue that it is also the source of worldwide passion for illicit sexual intercourse. Does this sound like New York City or Los Angeles?

Revelation 18:20 This appears to be an angelic interjection to the reader. The faithful should celebrate the total destruction of Babylon. The city and the system it engenders are at war with believers; even if not hunting them down to exterminate them, as the beast is, it is attempting to destroy their faith through temptation to live in accordance with the world's ways.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Revelation 18:1-8 Judgment of the harlot

Revelation 18:1-3 In announcing the judgment of the harlot, the glorious angel summarizes the charges against her. The role of demons and unclean spirits (is there a difference?) is highlighted. The power centers of the beast - peoples, rulers, businessmen - have been corrupted by her sensuality, even as they encouraged and profited from it.

Revelation 18:4-8 This is a bit puzzling because it implies that even at this late stage in the unveiling of God's judgment, after the beast has hunted down and attempted to exterminate every believer, God still has some people living in the midst of the harlot. The most plausible interpretation of this seems to be that this is a plea to the reader. You, Reader of this book (the Revelation) who are God's, come out of the harlot right now. Do not participate in the passion of her illicit sexual intercourse!

          The angel states that the harlot's punishment will be twice the amount she has paid out.  The repayment for sensuality will be torment and mourning. Although this may refer to an eternal future in hell, there is a more immediate literal, physical punishment imminent: plagues, famine, and fire. The lifeview that one is royalty and will never mourn hardship or loss is not unique to the harlot.  It seems to be symptomatic of anyone who doesn't think God is serious. The fruit of this lifeview is self-centeredness, a lifestyle that lives for the gratification of the flesh or for power or wealth, without regard for other people or God.