John 7:14-24
Jesus begins to teach, which astonished the Jews. He was teaching what the
Father had told Him to teach. Jesus makes a very fundamental statement about
learning from God. It is a matter of the heart, not the mind. A person who is
willing to do the will of the Father will know and understand His teaching.
True and righteous teaching can only come from the Father, and only be
communicated by someone who seeks His glory, rather than their own. For this
reason, the teachers of the law of Moses do not understand what they are
teaching. Jesus refers back to the healing He performed in Jerusalem on the
Sabbath (John 5:1-9), and presents a simple quandary. They circumcise on the
Sabbath if the appointed day for circumcision (the eighth day from birth - see
Leviticus 12:3) falls on a Sabbath, but they are angry because He healed a man
on the Sabbath. The question is how the heart responds to God's leading in
cases where there is an apparent conflict in His direction. The problem is that
the teachers' hearts were exactly wrong; they saw a man being made whole on the
Sabbath, and instead of rejoicing in is healing, they sought to kill the
healer. This indicated that their hearts did not understand or partake in the
heart of the Father. And Jesus indicates this is because they were seeking to
build their own kingdom, or feather their own nest, by their teaching of the Law
of Moses, rather than seeking to build the kingdom of the Father and bring Him
challenge to us from this passage is our approach to learning and teaching
God's word, and the ways of God. There is a place for academic rigor and
accuracy, but that place is subservient to the desire to understand what God is
saying to us, individually, so that we can do what He says to do, and live how
He says to live. This is from the heart, a desire to seek His glory above all
other things. (See Psalm 42:1, for example) If our devotion to the word of God
is more intellectual and self-centered than visceral and God-centered, we have
inverted priorities and will not truly understand His word.
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