Tuesday, December 9, 2014

John 2:18-25 The sign of the Temple

John 2:18-22 The Jews asked Him for a sign, by which He did this (cleansing the Temple). His response was the prophetic word that the sign would be His resurrection from the dead in three days. He spoke in prophetic language which the Jews clearly did not understand (nor probably did the disciples until it happened). Later Jesus cited the example of Jonah 1:17 as regards His resurrection after three days. (Matthew 12:40). But this prophecy of His resurrection, using the Temple as a type of His body, was used later as one of the charges brought against Him in the trial before the high priest. (Matt 26:61, Mark 14:58) The interesting thing is that in the Mosaic law, it was the tabernacle in the wilderness that was a type of Christ. By extension, perhaps, the Temple assumed this place, even though it was not a tent and could not represent God tabernacling among mankind as in a tent, but it was a somewhat permanent structure. But not that permanent - it would be destroyed in 70 AD by Titus and the Roman army; what man regards as permanent is not necessarily permanent in God's economy - see Hebrews 12:26-28.
           Finally, this prophecy was used by by the priests and Pharisees as a basis for asking for a guard to be placed on the tomb. (Matt 27:62-64)

John 2:23-25 Jesus apparently did other signs at this time, although John did not record them. (John 21:25)  Enough that many believed in Him. But Jesus did not trust people because He knew that the heart of man is intrinsically untrustworthy, and would remain so until the plan of redemption was completed. And He also knew that in the end, it would be priests and Pharisees who would put Him on trial and ultimately have Him executed.

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