6:52-58 The Jews begin an internal argument among themselves about how it would
be possible for a person to voluntarily offer their own body in some kind of
cannibalistic meal. Jesus tries at this point to explain the sacramental aspect
of the Lord's Supper. His flesh is true food, His blood is true drink. Physical
food and drink are mere copies, weak shadows of the real things. Spiritual life
comes from receiving Him, consuming Him, drawing life from Him, and thereby
receiving eternal life.
was probably not even in the back of their minds that the blood sacrifices that
were offered as part of the temple worship, and are also offered by pagans as
part of pagan worship, are all intrinsically drawing on the innate human
understanding that life is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:10-14) It was later
explained in the epistle to the Hebrews. (Hebrews 10:1-18) The blood of bulls
and goats could never take away sin, but they all prefigured or were a picture
of the offering of Christ, whose blood would take away sin, opening the door to
God putting His law and His righteousness in the hearts and minds of His
John 6:59-71
The foregoing passage was actually not on the occasion of His multiplication of
the loaves and fishes, but in the synagogue in Capernaum. His disciples rightly
said this is a difficult statement. Jesus told them that only the Holy Spirit
could enable them to receive the teaching He had just given them, and that
would only come through faith in Him. There is almost an aside here, that Jesus
already knew that Judas Iscariot would betray Him, and that Judas had no
spiritual depth whatever. One almost has to wonder why Jesus called Judas as a
disciple. We could speculate - perhaps it is the universalism of Jesus' call -
that Judas had a chance, heard everything the other disciples heard, and could
have responded in faith at any time, but chose not to. Or perhaps Jesus called
Judas because He knew that the prophecies had to be fulfilled. Many others who
had followed Him decided not to after this teaching. Simon Peter gave a
statement of faith. It doesn't necessarily mean Peter understood everything
Jesus had said, but the Holy Spirit was stirring - Peter knew that Jesus was speaking
on behalf of God and offering eternal life.
unbelievers say that the reason they will not become Christians is that people
who claim they are behave in ways that contradict what Jesus taught. This may
often be the case. But here people in large numbers turn away from Christ because of what He taught. He did not
attempt to soften this teaching with words about love. He said that all who
came to Him would have eternal life, but He did not in any way back off from
His teaching about His body being food that must be consumed to have eternal
life, even though it caused people to stumble. We can only speculate that the
reason for this insistence is that, in the Lord's Supper, we proclaim the
Lord's death until His coming again, by eating the bread and drinking the wine,
and that it is His death that saves us and gives us eternal life. (I
Corinthians 11:26) There is no other
way. Receiving the communion elements in faith is the only way that it can be
effectual in our life. Rejecting them, or receiving them without faith, is
rejection of faith in the efficacy of the death of Christ to save us. If people
stumble over this, no matter how much they want the Jesus of love and
acceptance, they do not have Him.
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