Sunday, February 22, 2015

John 19:31-42 Jesus' burial

John 19:31-37 The ritual of the Passover was respected enough by the Jews that even though they despised Jesus, they feared that their observance of the ordnance would be defiled by having dead Jewish bodies hanging on crosses during it. Hence the request to Pilate. In a way it was showing mercy to the condemned, shortening the agony of their terminal suffering. Men hanging from crosses by their hands but unable to put any weight on their legs would quickly suffocate. But Jesus had already given up His spirit, so the soldiers did not need to break His legs. Just to confirm that He was dead, a soldier pierced His side with a spear, but none of His bones were broken, even though that was the normal practice to hasten death. Two more prophecies were thus fulfilled. (Psalm 34:20, Zechariah 12:10)
          What was the significance of the water and blood coming out immediately? Anatomically it probably means that the heart and pericardial sac were both pierced. But more importantly,   the plan of redemption was complete. The water of the word incarnate (John 1:1, Ephesians 5:26) and the blood of the Paschal lamb (Exodus 12:21-22) were released.
          John cites this as his personal testimony. He was an eyewitness to this event. It really happened. Jesus was really dead. The Roman soldiers verified it. It is one of the essential tenets of Christianity that Christ died for our sins. (1 Corinthians 15:3) It was real death. It was the penalty of sin.

John 19:38-42 After Jesus' death, two men who were not of the twelve apostles, step forward. Both had had contact with Jesus and had perhaps higher stations in society, either through wealth or position, stepped forward to take care of Jesus' body. The record of Nicodemus' conversation with Jesus at night is recorded in John 3. As was perhaps the custom, they wrapped Jesus' body in linen with spices. Although Mary had anointed Jesus body beforehand for His burial (Mark 14:8) Nicodemus stepped forward now. Joseph approached Pilate to obtain Jesus' body. Evidently the garden tomb was very close to Mount Calvary, so they were able to quickly place Jesus' body there, before sundown, so that no one would be defiled by touching a dead body during the Passover. 

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